Medical Debt in Collections, 2018

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This layer displays debt information at the state and county levels from the Urban Institute’s 2019 Debt in America interactive platform. Data includes medical debt, student loan debt, automobile debt, retail debt and any debt in collections based on December … Continued

Digital Divide Index

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The Digital Divide Index or DDI ranges in value from 0 to 100, where 100 indicates the highest digital divide. It is composed of two scores, also ranging from 0 to 100: the infrastructure/adoption (INFA) score and the socioeconomic (SE) … Continued

Student Loan Debt in Collections, 2018

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This layer displays debt information at the state and county levels from the Urban Institute’s 2019 Debt in America interactive platform. Data includes medical debt, student loan debt, automobile debt, retail debt and any debt in collections based on December … Continued

Credit Card Deliquency Rate

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This layer displays debt information at the state and county levels provided by The Urban Institute. Data includes medical debt, student loan debt, automobile debt, retail debt and any debt in collections. Demographic information is from the 2016 Census.

Medical Debt in Collections, 2020

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This layer displays debt information at the state and county levels from the Urban Institute’s 2021 Debt in America. Data includes medical debt, student loan debt, automobile debt, retail debt and any debt in collections based on December 2020 credit … Continued

Credit Card Deliquency Rate, 2020

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This layer displays debt information at the state and county levels from the Urban Institute’s 2021 Debt in America. Data includes medical debt, student loan debt, automobile debt, retail debt and any debt in collections based on December 2020 credit … Continued

Digital Divide Index

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The Digital Divide Index or DDI ranges in value from 0 to 100, where 100 indicates the highest digital divide. It is composed of two scores, also ranging from 0 to 100: the infrastructure/adoption (INFA) score and