Soil Taxonomy Order (Dominant Condition)

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The most general level of classification in the USDA system of Soil Taxonomy is the Soil Order. Soil orders are frequently defined by a single dominant characteristic affecting soils in that location, e.g., the prevalent vegetation, the type of parent … Continued

NRCS SSURGO Soil Boundaries

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This layer depicts soil boundaries collected by the National Cooperative Soil Survey in the SSURGO database. These boundaries are intended for use in natural resource planning and land management.

Farmland Class

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This layer classifies soils types by farmland importance. Important farmlands consist of prime farmland, unique farmland, and farmland of statewide or local importance. Within these classifications, limitations to farmland importance may be noted. See Prime Farmlands Definitions for further information.

Forest Productivity

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Forest Productivity is a measure of wood volume likely to be produced by the most important tree species based on soil characteristics.