FEMA Disaster Declarations

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This layer displays the total number of disaster declarations for 2012. Disaster events include severe weather events (likw tornadoes, hurricanes, and floods) as well as emergencies of man-made origin (like terrorist attacks or toxic spills). For more layers from this … Continued

FEMA Designated Disaster Shelters

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Layer displays data from the FEMA National Shelter System database. The FEMA NSS database is synchronized every morning with the American Red Cross shelter database. Data about shelters in Illinois are unavailable.

FEMA Disaster Declarations, Flood, 1958-2018

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This layer displays the total number of federal disaster and emergency declarations for flood events by county for through June, 2018. For this analysis, flood events include the following designated events: Mud/Landslide; Dam/Levee Break; and Flood. For more layers from … Continued

FEMA Disaster Declarations by County, 2017

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This layer displays the total number of federal disaster and emergency declarations by county for the year 2017. Disaster events include severe weather events (like tornadoes, hurricanes, and floods) as well as emergencies of man-made origin (like terrorist attacks or … Continued

Fire Stations

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Fire Stations in the United States includes any location where fire fighters are stationed or based out of, or where equipment that such personnel use in carrying out their jobs is stored for ready use. Fire Departments not having a … Continued