Dominant Language Spoken at Home

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This layer displays the predominant language spoken at home (excluding English) for towns and counties in the United States. Data are from the 2018-22 American Community Survey.

Net Migration by County, 2010 to 2020

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This layer displays the net migration rate for United States counties between 2010 and 2020. Net migration is the balance of immigration and emigration over a given time period. Net migration does not include natural change, or change due to … Continued

Foreign-Born Population

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This layer displays information about citizenship status or nativity of the US population. The ACS identifies population as US Citizens (identifying their birthplace) or Non-Citizens along with citizenship status of foreign born population.

Net Migration by County, 2000 to 2010

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This layer displays the net migration rate for United States counties between 2000 and 2010. Net migration is the balance of immigration and emigration over a given time period. Net migration does not include natural change, or change due to … Continued

Household Income of In-Migrants, 2017-2018

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This layer displays the adjusted gross income of in-migrants of United States counties between 2017-2018. This is calculated by dividing the total adjusted gross income of the county by the total number of in-migrants. Income values are based on federal … Continued