Homicide Mortality by County and Census Tract, 2023-24

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This layer displays timeley information on the estimated homicide mortality rate for counties and census tracts using provisional and final death data. Some census tracts are grouped to protect data privacy. Rates are modelled for areas with greater than 0 … Continued

Firearm Mortality by County and Census Tract, 2023-24

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This layer displays timeley information on the estimated firearm-related mortality rate for counties and census tracts using provisional and final death data. Some census tracts are grouped to protect data privacy. Rates are modelled for areas with greater than 0 … Continued

Homicide Mortality for 2018-22 by County

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This layer displays homicide mortality rates from the CDC’s National Vital Statistics System – Mortality database.  Data are 5-year aggregates for 2018-22 and grouped by ICD-10 codes.